Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cheap Land For Sale In Nigeria - 5 Proven Tips To Make Huge Profits Quickly!

Buying cheap land for sale and then selling it at profit has been used to great affect by some of the worlds richest investors including Donald Trump and Howard Hughes.

If done correctly buying cheap land you can make triple digit gains in a year!

When buying cheap land for sale and selling it at a profit you need to follow some basic rules so you don’t get burnt.

The 6 tips below will show you how to buy cheap land for sale and make big profits, so here they are:

1. Don’t Go For The Cheapest Land!

When buying cheap land for sale don't just look to buy land because it’s cheap.

Some investors simply buy because it’s cheap, with no thought to how quick the land for sale will become profitable.

There is plenty of cheap land available in Nigeria, but will it increase in value? This is what you need to focus on.

When you buy cheap land for sale, you should not buy the cheapest, but cheap land in comparison to its growth potential - this is the key to profits.

In Nigeria and many developing countries you have problems with the price of land because its expensive already with low growth potential.

If you want to get more for money and bigger potential take a global view.

2. Look at Lands in Lagos, Nigeria

Cheap land for sale overseas offers huge profit potential, as many new emerging markets not only allow you to get in cheaply but allow you to take advantage of booming growth economies

A great area to consider is Lagos.

Lagos land has been rising in value for years and investors have literally been doubling their money year on year.

3. Don’t be a Pioneer

Look for a land market that’s on the move already and has steady growth.

You can buy cheap land for sale in a country that may become the next hot spot but the big question to consider is:

"may" but will it?

There is plenty of cheap land for sale in Lagos and Abuja (just got a mailing telling me I will triple my money) but think I may pass this one by!

Stick with markets that are on the move.

You can still buy cheap land for sale as trends up in investment land can last for many decades.

It may not be the cheapest but its growth potential will be more with less risk

4. Location – Location – Location

Lagos, Nigeria is an area where cheap land for sale is available as land prices are rising as the economy booms and more of its Citizens pour in to retire, buy holiday or second homes.

The key to buying cheap land for sale here should be to look at where the next big developments are coming, like roads, hotels, shopping malls and airports.

You can then be sure developments will spring up when they reach completion and you can bank your profit quickly.

Many investors are doubling their investments in a year or two and with the right location you could to.

5. Use Common Sense & Draw Your Own Conclusions

When buying cheap land for sale don’t be taken in by sales hype, make your own mind up in your own time and ask yourself the question:

Will anyone want to buy the land quickly, how safe is the investment? etc

Buying cheap land for sale and selling at a profit is easy, if you follow the above guidelines and do a bit of homework.

Triple digit gains could be yours

Land is one of the best ways to build wealth quickly.

All you need to approach investing in land is to adopt a cool, calm approach and focus on the facts before you.

If you can do this you could soon be making triple digit gains!

For free guide on how to build wealth by buying land - visit our blog and grab a copy and see videos articles and much more here.

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