Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So you want to purchase that land or property and its within your budget but you are afraid of dealing with the agents, property developers, mortgagors or omoniles in respect of getting:

1. A good deal financially within the budget?

2. Whether the land or property is free from government wahala or omonile wahala?

3. Whether the documents presented to you such as the survey plan or deed of assignment or better still the C/o are fake or government certified?

4. Whether the omoniles will still disturb you after you pay and you want to start building?

Well your problems are solved because i will handle it for you 100%. From Alausa down to the final signature transferring property to you. All you need to do is sit down, pick the land or property of your choice after negotiating with the agent or, probably visit it yourself to ascertain its location and desirability and leave the rest for me.

Things i will do immediately for you include:

1. If the documents are not corresponding with those in Alausa or the law, i will advise you promptly to abandon it.

2. If the property is Over Priced, i will either re-negotiate it to a reasonable standard Industry price or advise you to look else where. (Land boku for Lagos & Ogun)

3. If the omonile’s are being too worrisome, i will either handle them accordingly or advise you to abandon it.

4. I will track the current owners to heaven to ascertain who truely owns the property and whether they have the capacity and legal right to sell.

In short i will help you purchase your property with ease and most especially stand 100% against any legal wahala that might arise in future either from an adverse claimant who wants to claim possession against your property and lay claim to it or any corresponding document showing otherwise.

If the property has even the slightest defect whatsoever after doing a search, i will abandon the whole thing and you don’t have to pay a dime to me because case closed. You move on.

Generally these are the ways i conduct my Searches and Research on any Property before i give you a go ahead to pay:


1. Personal Investigation and Inspection of the Land or Property Physically and Value its worth. (Free)

2. Engage in Price Negotiations and Agency Commission Negotiations (Free)

3. Search the land Registry to see if any of the documents correlate e.g the C/o (Pay the required government Search fees)

4. Search the Courts to see if there is any outstanding litigation or Injunction on that property (Pay the required Court fees)

5. Obtain Certified True copies of the Documents From Alausa to show whether it truely exists or not ( Pay the required Certified true copies fees stamped and delievered)

6. Search at the Surveyor General's Office for the red copy of the Survey plan if it actually exists there (Pay the fees for charting and search)

7. Check at Alausa / Surveyor Generals office whether the property is under government acquisition or not and pay for charting fees

8. Vetting of the Contract of sale (This Contract for sale is an agreement stating that the buyer is interested in the property pending the final result of the investigations of the Property and i will go through it line by line to know whether it favours you or not)

9. Meeting the Traditional Family (OMO NILE) to determine the history of the property, Knowing the requisite community Development fees and drafting a ratification agreement i necessary. (free but the omoniles are usually settled to make you enjoy that place quietly)

10. Drafting the deed of assignment and stamping it for assessment (Negotiable)


1.Getting the information from the Real Estate Developers Directly whether the Traditional Family that sold the lands to them is free from defect or encumberance

2. Getting the information from the Real Estate Developer whether the land has a Global C/O and if not, what documents do they have to show that there is a pending application before the Land Registry that they intend to get a Global C/O

3. Investigate whether the land is free from Government Acquisition or not and whether it has been gazetted or not.

4. Obtain information about the amenities Promised such as water, borehole, roads, security and light and any other aforesaid promises made

5. Check whether your mortgage payment would be steady or not and if there are plans to increase your mortgage payment along the way.

6. Check the sale of Contract Form and see if it corresponds with what they have preached and marketed to you and vet the deed of assignment and survey plan before you sign.

All jobs and searches will be done before a fee is paid except Statutory fees that should be paid to the government or omonile’s in advance! In short i get paid after a job is done stage by stage and not before.

So relax, liaise and negotiate with your favourite agent and when your done, give me a shout out to take it up from there!

Final warning: Never ever Rush a property sale even though the Agents are on your neck. Its your life and children’s life your toying with if not done properly and patiently!

visit: www.carogpropertiesblog.blogspot.com

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cheap Land For Sale In Nigeria - 5 Proven Tips To Make Huge Profits Quickly!

Buying cheap land for sale and then selling it at profit has been used to great affect by some of the worlds richest investors including Donald Trump and Howard Hughes.

If done correctly buying cheap land you can make triple digit gains in a year!

When buying cheap land for sale and selling it at a profit you need to follow some basic rules so you don’t get burnt.

The 6 tips below will show you how to buy cheap land for sale and make big profits, so here they are:

1. Don’t Go For The Cheapest Land!

When buying cheap land for sale don't just look to buy land because it’s cheap.

Some investors simply buy because it’s cheap, with no thought to how quick the land for sale will become profitable.

There is plenty of cheap land available in Nigeria, but will it increase in value? This is what you need to focus on.

When you buy cheap land for sale, you should not buy the cheapest, but cheap land in comparison to its growth potential - this is the key to profits.

In Nigeria and many developing countries you have problems with the price of land because its expensive already with low growth potential.

If you want to get more for money and bigger potential take a global view.

2. Look at Lands in Lagos, Nigeria

Cheap land for sale overseas offers huge profit potential, as many new emerging markets not only allow you to get in cheaply but allow you to take advantage of booming growth economies

A great area to consider is Lagos.

Lagos land has been rising in value for years and investors have literally been doubling their money year on year.

3. Don’t be a Pioneer

Look for a land market that’s on the move already and has steady growth.

You can buy cheap land for sale in a country that may become the next hot spot but the big question to consider is:

"may" but will it?

There is plenty of cheap land for sale in Lagos and Abuja (just got a mailing telling me I will triple my money) but think I may pass this one by!

Stick with markets that are on the move.

You can still buy cheap land for sale as trends up in investment land can last for many decades.

It may not be the cheapest but its growth potential will be more with less risk

4. Location – Location – Location

Lagos, Nigeria is an area where cheap land for sale is available as land prices are rising as the economy booms and more of its Citizens pour in to retire, buy holiday or second homes.

The key to buying cheap land for sale here should be to look at where the next big developments are coming, like roads, hotels, shopping malls and airports.

You can then be sure developments will spring up when they reach completion and you can bank your profit quickly.

Many investors are doubling their investments in a year or two and with the right location you could to.

5. Use Common Sense & Draw Your Own Conclusions

When buying cheap land for sale don’t be taken in by sales hype, make your own mind up in your own time and ask yourself the question:

Will anyone want to buy the land quickly, how safe is the investment? etc

Buying cheap land for sale and selling at a profit is easy, if you follow the above guidelines and do a bit of homework.

Triple digit gains could be yours

Land is one of the best ways to build wealth quickly.

All you need to approach investing in land is to adopt a cool, calm approach and focus on the facts before you.

If you can do this you could soon be making triple digit gains!

For free guide on how to build wealth by buying land - visit our blog and grab a copy and see videos articles and much more here.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Methods Of Investing In Real Estate

The real estate business is a lucrative industry perfect for those people who thrive in a lively atmosphere. If you want to be a successful real estate investor, you need all the tools you can get to ensure that you will have the chance to make it big in the business. Fortunately, there is a web site that can help you become the best in your chosen career.

Over the years, Rehablist.com has been helping many real estate investors make easy money by providing them with all the information they need to succeed in the real estate business. The web site has useful articles that would surely be of great help to those who are interested in real estate investing.

According to Rehablist.com, there are three major ways of investing in the real estate business. The first one is wholesaling houses. Through this method, investors acquire a contract on a real estate property and then sell or assign it to another investor, who seals the deal. The secret to successfully wholesaling houses is to find a buyer first before writing a contract on a property.

The second method is called flipping houses. Rehablist.com explained that the process of flipping houses involves the buying and quickly selling of a house for profit. Through this scheme, real estate investors earn money by purchasing properties at a lower price and then selling them off at a higher cost. Don't worry because Rehablist.com guarantees using such a method is not against the law. The third approach to real estate investing according to Rehablist.com is by purchasing and rehabbing fixer upper homes. Investors buy and fix properties that are in a bad condition, thus, the term "rehabbing." Once the restoration of the properties is complete, the investors will sell the houses at higher prices. Some of them, however, prefer to put these properties up for rent to ensure a regular flow of income.

So if you want to make it big in the real estate business, take note of these methods presented by Rehablist.com. To know more about the joys of real estate investing, just check out Rehablist.com

visit my blog: www.carogpropertiesblog.blogspot.com

Friday, October 9, 2009

How To Time and Purchase Real Estate Properties

The prospects of making a profit with a rental property, whether through monthly rent or property appreciation, are largely determined by an investor's ability to buy smart. Investors should know when to buy and how to determine the current market value of a property before submitting offers.

    Timing the Market

  1. The cycles associated with properties markets and interest rates have a direct effect on a your ability to make a profit. High prices and high interest rates mean you're less likely to produce positive cash flow on a property. Also, if a property is purchased at market value at the height of a seller's market, your exit strategy could be delayed as you wait for the property to appreciate. You should consider your exit strategy for a property before buying it, even if the property is to be held for long-term appreciation.
  2. Bargain Properties

  3. When the market shifts and buying opportunities arise, astute investors find ways to acquire bargain properties that will provide cash flow as rentals and appreciate when the market turns around. Bargains are found by searching bank-owned, or REO (real estate owned), and HUD properties, purchasing properties through a short sales, buying from wholesalers, probate properties, sellers facing divorce and bankruptcy, and properties for sale by owner.
  4. Investment Strategy

  5. You should know your investment strategy, such as buy and hold, lease-option or fix and flip, before purchasing a rental property. Properties purchased for long-term appreciation should be held in a separate company from properties that will be sold in under a year to avoid issues with the IRS. Run-down houses in declining neighborhoods might be cheap to acquire, but tenant stability is often an issue. Look for investment properties in solid neighborhoods with low crime rates and neighbors who show pride of ownership.
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